At the XV International Asparagus Symposium last year, three teams of scientists from various parts of the world presented their [...]
Wed 12/06/2024 by Clara Bernaud
« Mexican asparagus imports cause a reduction in the areas of asparagus grown in the United States, notably in California. [...]
Fri 14/10/2022 by Nadia Venticinque
Asparagus cultivars bred in different climatic zones may not be broadly adapted. For example, UC157, developed in the mild winters [...]
Mon 26/09/2022 by David Wolyn, University of Guelph
Since ancient times, the appearance of asparagus has symbolised the arrival of spring. But asparagus growers in more northern regions [...]
Mon 26/09/2022 by Amélie Lachapelle , asparagus consultant